onsdag 13. mai 2015

Highly Sensitive Body

Jeg hørte om dette uttrykket først for noen dager siden da en i gruppen for høysensitive la ut en lenke om dette. Er du HSP så har du også en kropp som er sensitiv:

If you are a Highly Sensitive Person, you have a Highly Sensitive Body. Those who have Highly Sensitive Body may have the following health concerns:
  • Insomnia, stress and fatigue
  • Hypoglycemic and mood swing when hungry
  • Anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder
  • Chronic migraine and tension headaches
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
  • Server menopausal symptoms and PMS
  • Food, environmental and chemical sensitivities
  • Autoimmune diseases such as colitis, lupus, arthritis etc
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome and indigestion
  • Eczema, hives and dermatitis
  • Frequent sinus and ear infection, colds and flu, asthma
  • Autistic Spectrum and AD(H)D

Det er en sammenheng mellom det å være å særlig sensitiv og å ha diverse kroppslige plager. Det vil selvsagt ikke si at alle har dette i samme grad og kanskje er det ikke sikkert at alle merker noe nevneverdig til det heller. Men utifra egne og andres erfaringer, så tror jeg nok vi er mange som sliter. 

Kan bare nevne det jeg skrev tidligere om allergi. Det er ingen utslag på prøvene at jeg skal ha pollenallergi, men likevel får jeg symptomer på dette hver eneste vår.

  • Easy to develop and hard to manage allergy and sensitivities: 
HSB develops allergy and sensitivities easily. Those who have allergy and sensitivities often complain that the reaction does not happen every time they expose to certain substance. This is because HSB responds to allergens and stressors much deeper than non-HSB does. The outcome of allergy reaction is also more complicated. When the stressor stresses HSB the first time, the immune system remembers not only the stressor itself but also the time, event, body conditions and surroundings together with it. Next time when the exposure occurs, if everything else is different, no reaction will happen. We call these factors the combination factors. This type of immune memory is called stationary memory. For HSB, sensitivities are harder to detect and the combination factors are often required in desensitization process.
  • Tendency to develop energy conflicts inside the body: 
Most sensitivities that we are talking about here are not the typical “allergies” called by conventional western medicine, in which antibodies are shown. Our concept of allergies is the beginning stage of allergic reactions stemming from immune attacks on the energy level rather than on the biochemical level. During this beginning stage there are autoimmune responses, but there is no antibody production yet. If this condition is untreated for a period of time, antibodies can develop. By then the condition is deeper and harder to be treated. This beginning stage of “energy-level allergic reactions” can happen not only to food and environmental factors, but also to nutrients, enzymes, pathogens, hormones and neurotransmitters. This type of reactions lead to blockages of metabolic and detoxification pathways and in turn contribute to development of the chaotic stage of HSB.

Migrene og spenningshodepine er noe jeg har slitt med siden jeg var liten. Jeg var flere ganger til lege pga hodepine, og jeg var også hos øyelege uten at fant ut at noe var galt. Husker øyelegen mente jeg fikk hodepine pga at jeg levde meg så voldsomt inn i det jeg leste. Det kan han jo ha hatt rett i da :) Fikk tilslutt medisin som jeg gikk på fast i flere år.

Som voksen gikk jeg i en periode på astmamedisin for legene mente jeg hadde så dårlig lungekapasitet. Nå er det ingenting i veien med kapasiteten, men jeg har jo lurt på hva det skyldtes den gangen.

  • Different responses to medication and therapies: 
HSB often responds to treatment differently from non-HSB. If the statistics shows that the therapy works for 80% of the population, the Highly Sensitive Body always belongs to the 20% who are not responding to the therapy or has bad reactions to it. Because of the sensitive nature, their treatment has to be very individualized, such as low dose, with precision and perfect in timing. Otherwise their response would be either not optimal or adverse. HSB’s condition also changes frequently. Thus the treatment protocol has to follow the change all the time.
Kanskje er det derfor terapien har tatt sin tid, at det er først nå jeg merker at det hjelper. Det blir bare spekulasjoner, men er tanker jeg gjør meg.

Her er lenke til siden jeg har funnet denne infoen på:


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